writing this dedication, the day after the 50th anniversary uv the attica bruthaz stand in upstate newyork, itz only fitting that the book uv numberzbe dedicated to frank big black smith, richard baba fisher, elliot l.d. barkley, sam melville, herbert x blyden, & the other 1200-plus men who stood united against the state uv newyork. their action during thoze 4-dayz in september 1971 waz an act uv liberation frum the abject circumstance, practice & policy uv the statez carceral system.
the courage & revolutionary audacity it took for those 1200-plus men to put aside their institution-generated differencez & declare theirselvez united in huemanity cut a pathway to political rezistance, identity, & institutional deconstruction for many uv us with firsthand knowledge uv the american empirez revisited convict leasing system,[1] what michelle alexander haz labeled the new jim crow.
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