Poets speak truth into chaos. I count my Self among their number!

Walking Across America

Tuesday, July 23rd, two cross country sojourners will sit down in conversation at BIPOCA incubator & Gallery. It promises to be an inspiring give & take about courage, fear, & the persistence to do what others can hardly dream of. Join Susan Raffo & Kétu Oladuwa on Tuesday the 23rd, at 7:00PM. A freewill offering will be accepted to support Susan’s walk.

Susan Raffo is a writer, cultural worker and healing justice advocate. She grew up in Cleveland and lives in Minneapolis. In her 20s she hitchhiked and traveled extensively, and has lived in England and Brazil. Now, in her 60th year, Susan is walking Turtle Island, from the Atlantic to the Pacific. I’ve been dreaming of this walk since I was 16. She is the author of several books, including Liberated to the Bone: Histories. Bodies. Futures, and A Fork in the Road – a prelude to her walk. Learn more at susanraffo.com

Kétu Oladuwa grew up 20 miles north of New York City. In 1966 Kétu was sentenced to death for a murder he did not commit. Poet, journalist, producer & community organizer, he has since published 6 books of poetry with 4 more due in 2024. In 2015, Kétu turned 70 & for 382 days rode a motorcycle thru the lower 48 states. Currently, Kétu’s planning an 80th-year poetry tour of US cities.


