382 days on the road. a solo motorcycle sojourn thru 48 states
30 September 2015 thru 16 October 2016
i went on the road 18 months ago
to find the space i’d lost
between my life’s bookends
sprinting wholly identified from deathrow’s claws
and cocooning from my youngest son’s highschool graduation
in that broad corridor of sun and shadow
i grew old, body tilting left
mind agile, flirting with death
less angry than senility can remember
not ambivalent, and yet not acting
caught in a bluescycle
tears salty as ocean
emotion still as morning’s dew
fountains of idea cascading
slumping shoulders
i went on the road to find the pearl, renewal
to find the self missed in the lost years
to reconnect abandoned divine impulse
i went on the road to find an america i never knew
and found a self that had been hiding in plain site
there, on a soundhealers table in ancient santa fe
on a cathedral walk in taos, speeaking to the redrock’s face
talking at a muslim woman’s table in idaho falls
sleeping in a daughter’s bed in San Antonio
drinking beer at a mexican border town
akimbo roadside on i-17 south to phoenix, at
the mercy of a trucker and statecop’s helping hands
in 10 silent days of meditation, drinking in the southern california desert
sharing pains of resurrection on the lakota plains of north dakota
hand drumming with families in olympia washington
and gardiner maine
on the road i found an essential i
in the eyes of hueman mirrors
looking back at me from windows of compassion and empathy
and then, i came home
to a self unwilling to welcome its re-membering
and so these days i meditate a lot
to reconnect the dots, and resist inertia
i meditate to push out into the universe my best self
and hold silence in the clanging deconstruction of a nation
at odds with its people
and its best self
still unfound, and unclaimed