Poets speak truth into chaos. I count my Self among their number!


once upon a time there waz a yung girl whose dance

— body lithe & free —

she allowed lifez joy to pour thru her receptive frame

filling the spiritz uv thoze who dared move in unison with her

she waz moon that regulated tidez 

britestar in a blakk uni/verse

that sang a portal open

today, she singz & playz the world

theunseen iz singing

& theworld iz listening for the keykode

that will bring on their dancing

free unhidered sovereign

listen, now, just listen

New York native Kétu Oladuwa is the son of Carrie and John Taylor, Margaret Fisher and Tyrone Foster, and the student of Chief James Hawthorne Béy. Poetry discovered Kétu while on death row for a murder he did not commit. There he calibrated his Afrikan identity & wrote himself anew. With his Life Partner 36 years, he is the father of five. A BS in professional theatre grad of Fordham U, with an MSJ from the Medill School of Journalism, at Northwestern, Kétu blogs at https://rootfolks.com. With 8 self-published books since 2017, he founded Identity Counts Cultural Collective, RootFolks Poets Press, cofounded & produced A Big Apple Jazz Club Series, & Poetikz @ the Krossroads. For 382 days, during 2015-2016, at 70 years, Kétu traveled alone on a motorcycle to the US lower 48 states. Now 80, Kétu's developing a multicity poetry tour.

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