Yuull Never Walk Alone / for Nina
Hearing lots of post-Nov 5th blued projections. Folks disheartened, confused, angry, depressed. Seriously considering leaving the empire. The empire hasn't changed simply woke up with a new head figuring how to squeeze out the best for him, his family &
koherence / frakchured mirrorz reflekting thekayos uv ourtym
. . . i was born a black woman and now i am become a palestinian against the relentless laughter of evil there is less and less living room and where are my loved ones? it is time to make our way home. — june jordan, moving towards
Poetik Moment, Revelation, Liberation RizeUp Outta the Deep Shit
These 2 upcoming dives into Poetik Moment are bound to inspire & re/mind you to look deeper within for the answers that soothe, calm, & enliven the Kollektiv Hueman Spirit! Together, finding our way outta the deep shit It’s going to
Back to our hueman rootz
OctoGenarian Tour Sojourning Collective Poetikz Two weeks ago, We launched the OctoGenarian Tour, stepping out on a sojourn that will test my endurance & reveal the possible. For the next 13 months, I’m nomadding multiple cities with meaning & a message
Countdown to the Launch
We’ve entered the countdown stretch to the September 28th launch of the Octogenarian Tour —12 days out as of Monday. The collective that’s organizing the launch are doing a fantastic job of pulling the multiple details of this initial phase
Anniversaries & The Octogenarian Tour — Part 1
Yes, I hate it when the blood start flowing / But I’m glad to see resistance growing. . .—Gil Scott-Heron, Johannesburg When people ask how I'm doing, I very often quip: Ain't dead yet so, I must be living! August 17, 2024, marked 53