I am the son of Carrie Thomas Taylor & John Henry Taylor, Margaret Fisher & Tyrone Foster, & the cultural student of Chief James Hawthorne Béy & Dr. Margaret Burroughs. Born & raised in the tight-knit Black commune west of Main Street in Elmsford, New York, Poetry discovered me during the 1960s while on deathrow in Massachusetts. There I calibrated an Afrikan identity & wrote my Self anew through cultural, history, & political studies, protest & meditation.
My Self-published works include:
- bone sutures—unwiring the mathematic of blackbody otherness (2017)
- in the tradition—all/ways moving freedom forward (2018)
- nitefall a c-19 radicalblues(2020) 2021
- by the numberz,a mindzeye manifest
- intimatez panoramic i / the deep silence connecting soundz
- the book uv numberz, the i am uv rezistance
- we rize, celebrating the sojourn across lifez bridge
In August 2024 I’ll publish meditayshun alleyz / the alluvial arkitekchure uv planetz, & thisplayc uv nevernot. Three other works are in development with expected publication during the spring of 2025.
36 years the lief-partner of Clydia Early, he is the father of 5. With a BS in professional theatre (1978) from Fordham University at Lincoln Center & an MS in journalism (1983) from the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University,
After working for 25 years in these two fields, in 1999 I cofounded the Three Riverz Jenbé Ensemble, a Mandé drumming ensemble for young people, that incorporated in 2007 as the Three Rivers Institute of Afrikan Art & Culture.
I serve as Secretary of the People of Afrikan Descent Elders Council, am the former Chairperson of the Coordinating Panel at the Center for Nonviolence, am a member of the 3 Rivers CoOp Board of Directors, the lead interviewer for the Proven Sustainable Conversation Series @ provensustainable.org, & am the founder & artist-in-residence at Identity Countz Cultural Collective, LLC. Between 2009 & 2023, I founded, hosted, & managed multiple poetry & music projects in Fort Wayne, Indiana. I write & publishe at RootFolkz Poetz Press & Bandcamp, & live & work from Fort Wayne.