We Poetz stand with Palestine & its People
Kétu Oladuwa . . . the poet is representative. He stands among partial men for the complete man, and apprises us not of his wealth, but of the common wealth. The young man reveres men of genius, because, to speak truly,
Yuull Never Walk Alone / for Nina
Hearing lots of post-Nov 5th blued projections. Folks disheartened, confused, angry, depressed. Seriously considering leaving the empire. The empire hasn't changed simply woke up with a new head figuring how to squeeze out the best for him, his family &
koherence / frakchured mirrorz reflekting thekayos uv ourtym
. . . i was born a black woman and now i am become a palestinian against the relentless laughter of evil there is less and less living room and where are my loved ones? it is time to make our way home. — june jordan, moving towards